As mentioned before, Matt has recently developed an interest in writing and drawing comics. Sometimes he mimics something he may have seen in a YouTube video or read at school, but the other times he writes and draws about the adventures of his own creation: Rec-man and his arch-nemesis Ad-man.
Last week, however, he took a few pieces of felt – yes, felt – and drew the following…
We’ve asked Matt to explain in his own words what these drawings mean, why he drew them, etc. but so far he has denied our request for an interview. What you can see, though, is sort of a alien/astronaut theme – along with a sketch of one of his flip-o-ramas, Pac-Man, a train and what looks to be a killing of some sort (I can’t say that I’m too happy about that.)
Still, for the world to see, here’s a little piece of life as drawn through the mind of a child with autism.

Back Stone. A space hero protecting the planet from an alien?

An ancient alien