I weighed myself this morning and am down six-and-a-half pounds since July 2. For most people that shouldn’t be that big of a deal. I mean: it’s not as if I jumped on Facebook to let everyone know (although people certainly post a lot more mind-numbing content than that.)
Yet here I am sitting in front of a keyboard.
So what’s the secret? (And I’ve no doubt someone is probably thinking, “Please don’t say diet and exercise. Please don’t say diet and exercise.”)
Sorry, but that’s exactly what I’m going to say. And seriously? Is it really a secret at this point?
Diet Changes
One thing I’m not going to do is tout the benefits of Atkins, South Beach, going vegan or any of the other latest dietary fads. While there are certainly benefits to those diets – as well as the Wheat Belly Diet and Paleo-Diet – I’m not going to be that douche on a soap box claiming that if I can do it, you can do it too.
Essentially, I haven’t really done anything yet except hopefully start on the path to doing what doctors and experts have said for years: eat healthier.
No pop, no beer, more fruits and vegetables, lean(er) cuts of meat and a lot of greens. I’ve also done a decent job of eliminating sugars, processed foods and fast foods.
Surprisingly – and this might come as a shock to those who know me – I’ve even gotten into eating healthy snacks. You know: carrots, celery, cucumber slices…
They say it takes about 21-days to form a habit; to increase the odds that any sort of lifestyle change will succeed. For me, it’s currently day #27 and I have to say, I feel wonderful.
I’m also finding that a lot of the temptation is gone (or at the very least, fading.) Right now, I have no interest in having a Coca-Cola, could easily pass on Doritos and even ice cream isn’t that much of an obsession anymore.
Oh, and this is kind of funny, early on I “cheated” with – get this – organic air-popped popcorn. And you know what? My stomach rebelled.
Unfortunately, for a variety of reasons, this is where I could be doing better. We all know the importance of working out and exercising yet have plenty of excuses for not finding the time: longer commutes for work, poor sleeping habits, the Arizona heat, etc.
Still – I’ve found motivation in listening to fitness related podcasts (Spartan Up! and Obstacle Dominator to name a couple). A personal trainer I know often posts videos from his sessions online. I often read books and watch shows on the military and their training.
Oh! And just recently, I got a FitBit and a resulting FitBit Challenge from my cousin has gotten me off the couch and exercising at 5am.
All things to try and help keep focused on the prize of living a healthier life.
The Real Factor
Yet none of the above happens without my wife. It’s because of her that I’m eating better: she cooks the meals, she buys the food, she researches recipes and it’s her that keeps me on track.
She was even the one who suggested that I get the FitBit.
Without her and her support, I would sill be eating a snack-wrap at lunch with two large Cokes and scrounging in the cupboard nightly for something sweet.
I’ll stop way short of saying, “It takes a village” – but I’ve tried doing this on my own in the past and have failed miserably.
We all need help when it comes to achieving our goals – be it subtle hints, a big kick in the ass or just knowing that you’re not alone in your quest. My wife and I started this little journey together and it’s together that we’ll keep the momentum going.