It’s Déjà vu all over

I surely don’t expect anyone to come to me for parental advice. Trust me when I say that I am no Ward Cleaver. (Show of hands: who actually needs to Google Ward Cleaver?) Like everyone else, I do my best as a father and hope that my children grow up to be caring, respectable, intelligent,…

Easter Nightmares

I hear the secrets that you keep When you’re talking in your sleep…. And all your dreams that you keep inside You’re telling me the secrets that you just can’t hide Even though I don’t know your kids, I’ve often said that mine are better than yours. And although I’m not backing off those sentiments,…

You Named Your Kid What?

Note: Awhile ago, I read a blog by Moment Matters titled “Pitiful Names: Why would a parent name their child Placenta?. It mentions other names as well like Suozzi, Ivo, and Casper. In a serious way, it questions why parents would label their kids in such a manner and how there could be long term,…