It’s Déjà vu all over

I surely don’t expect anyone to come to me for parental advice. Trust me when I say that I am no Ward Cleaver. (Show of hands: who actually needs to Google Ward Cleaver?) Like everyone else, I do my best as a father and hope that my children grow up to be caring, respectable, intelligent,…

I Spy

Note: This is meant to be more of a solicitation of opinions rather than me just spouting off mine. Understanding what others think often goes a long way into forming my own thoughts on a topic so I certainly welcome everyone’s view. The news today is all about President Obama and his announcement changing how…

Holy Hot Tub

And you’ll think love is to pray – but I’m sorry I don’t pray that way. – partial lyrics from “Tainted Love” by Soft Cell I can only recall telling one person the following; though perhaps I’ve let it slip out to others over the years. Either way, very few people know this about me.…