Futurama image from www.f-covers.com

We’re screwed

I really don’t care who you vote for this November. (Ok, I kinda do but that’s not the point.) Whether you vote for Hillary, the other guy or Gary Johnson (best option of the three) – just be able to defend your choice with something more than just “Well. At least they’re not as bad as the other options…”

Sitting around the pool

A rambling about autism

Sometimes I wonder if it’s worth continuing to write about: my son with autism did this; my son with autism did that; my autistic child accomplished such-and-such. I’ve got to be sounding like a broken record with all the rah-rah stuff when, essentially, young Matt does a lot of day-to-day “things” any other child without…

The Muddy Millers at the Terrain Race in Flagstaff

The Muddy Millers

It was finally our turn. The four of us – my wife, twin sons and myself – were herded into make-shift pools filled with water and mud. It was cold. Deceivingly cold. Son #2 shrieked and, despite knowing what awaited, there was no shortage of similar reactions and comments from the others. All of us…

Fireworks and Autism

Not many parents who have children with autism eagerly jump at the opportunity to go to a 4th of July fireworks show. For the most part, however, my wife and I do. We know it might be tough on our little guy, but he’s come such a long way and is handling these types of uncomfortable situations better and better.

Cutting the cord on cable TV

A lot of people are cutting the proverbial cord. Meaning: they’re ditching their cable company and choosing to watch TV, movies and other media via streaming services like SlingTV, Chromecast or something else. Cable companies have had a good run – as did Blockbuster video and 8-track tapes – but their time is now up. They’re just not worth it anymore.

Matt watching a baseball game

Joking about autism

Listening to a podcast the other day – Autastic: A Comedian’s Guide to Autism – and while I love what these guys are doing in terms of telling their stories and making people laugh, I’m just not sure I’m ready for jokes and humor at the expense of my son and other kid’s with autism.

Son two on the Spartan podium

Growing OCR three people at a time

By now, most people have heard of obstacle course racing (a.k.a “ocr”). From the big players – like Spartan Race, BattleFrog, Warrior Dash and Tough Mudder – to the more regional and local runs like Rugged Maniac, Terrain Racing, Atlas Race, etc. — for many people, the regular old 5k run just doesn’t cut in…