I’m stealing this idea from Renbog who stole the idea from someone else who, in turn, probably stole the idea from another. Let’s face it, there’s not a lot of originality around anymore and when someone does come up with a solid idea, it’s immediately taken, repackaged, and sold as something new. Note that I said something “new”; not necessarily something “better”.
In this case, the idea is to basically go through the alphabet from A to Z and using each letter, write about a topic that helps describe yourself, your interests, your opinions, and personality. I love the idea and being the eh-hole I am, I’m stealing it too. Oh. And in the process, I’m taking full credit for it.
It’s the American Way.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrgpZ0fUixs&w=420&h=315]
So when did everyone in this country lose their way? When did it become acceptable to be selfish and self-centered? What was the tipping point that made it OK to blame all of life’s problems on someone, or something, else? (And don’t any of you assholes answer that with “When Obama got elected!” because you’d not only be wrong but embarrassingly so at the same time.)
More and more we’re seeing less and less of what should be basic human behavior: respect towards policemen, helping others in need, saying ‘hi’ to someone on the street… Instead we’re questioning authority, ignoring problems, and avoiding eye contact at all costs.
We either sue when something goes wrong or refuse to take a action on anything for fear of being sued (or ridiculed) ourselves.
I’m not saying we should revert to the time of Ward and June Cleaver when apparently there was no crime, indoor plumbing and you’d get your mouth washed out with soap for saying “Dag-nabbit”. But would it kill any of us to let the car next to us merge in front? Hell. I’d even accept not giving him the finger.
Patrick Swayze said it best in Road House when he told everyone to “Be nice.” Of course, he’s dead now and I don’t see too many people listening to me as I try to convey the same message.
Still. Everyone – meaning Americans, terrorists, rich people, poor people, Catholics, Protestants, Muslims, Democrats, Republicans, and everyone in-between – should all just heed the message of the late Patrick Swayze and try to be nice.
In other words: stop being assholes.
(I probably should’ve taken bets on the over/under on how many followers I lose because of this one. Trust me though, they’ll get better.)
First, I got the idea from Magnolia to Mumbai (http://www.magnolia2mumbai.com) who pointed me in the direction of this website if you wanted to officially participate (http://www.a-to-zchallenge.com). Maybe next year I’ll join officially.
Regardless of when you do it, it’s a great way to inspire yourself to write something every day, so I can’t wait for your next 25!
Finally, this post…. I wish I could write one about asshole as it relates to education, but I’d be in deep doo-doo for sure.
Excellent, common sense post. Too bad the assholes probably won’t see themselves in the post, though.
B – is to be posted soon.