Just trying to plug along the whole Blogging A to Z series where I pick a letter and just write.
By now everyone knows I recently moved from Chicago to Phoenix and barring any unforeseen circumstances, my family and I are here for the long haul.
In life, change is inevitable. Right?
Case in point: after just two months of being a Phoenix-ite (or whatever the hell we’re called), I’m starting to feel my loyalties change in terms of sports. Can a mere 2-months in Phoenix negated 40-years in Chicago?
Cardinals vs. Bears
I never in my life thought I’d be anything other than a Bears’ fan. From the early Ditka years to the now extremely overrated Jay Cutler era – the Bears are Chicago’s team and have been a part of my life for a long time. As a matter of fact, I still have the “Super Bowl Shuffle” still memorized.Yet as I listen to Phoenix sports radio, I find myself getting excited about Cardinals football. The NFC West is obviously a tough division and the Cardinals seem to be on the verge of greatness (or at least above-average). Or so I’m being led to believe…
Besides that, the warm weather during football season will make tailgating a much more agreeable event and if I can get a TV mounted on my back porch, I can watch the game, drink some beers, and relax in the pool all at the same time.
Now that’s football ladies and gentlemen. The Bears could never offer that!
Diamondbacks vs. White Sox
Baseball lost me as a fan when the players went on strike and the World Series was cancelled in what? 1994? (Damn I’m getting old.)
Though I’m much more of a casual baseball fan now, witnessing the White Sox win the World Series 2005 and being part of the celebration parade was incredible. Otherwise, I just enjoy the game and love sitting outside, relaxing for an afternoon at the ol’ ballpark. Personally, I don’t care who wins or loses.
Yet now that the Terror Twins are getting older, I hope to have more than our share of father/son moments at Diamondbacks games. It doesn’t matter that the D-Backs suck. Remember, I was from Chicago and have witnessed the Cubs provide decades of suck-ness.
Suns vs. Bulls
Not really a fan of either nor am I sure why anyone else would be…
Coyotes vs. Blackhawks
This is where I won’t change loyalties. Not in a million years. I don’t even care if I find out my new neighbor is the Director of New Media and Publications for the Coyotes, they win the Cup, and he gets a half-day with it. NOTHING can ever replace the importance, the passion, the friendships, and family that the Blackhawks have brought to my life.
Oh sure. I’ll support the Coyotes. Hopefully go to a few games (especially when the Blackhawks come to town), but that’ll be the extent of it.And I highly doubt I’ll ever start a gosbeesucks.com (after the owner) or coyoteszone.com.
Sadly, in today’s world, “loyalty” means so little to so many. Just look at the divorce rate; or people’s job tenures. As a country we chase the latest fad or product-line as if our social existence depended on it and are always looking to see if the grass truly is greener on the other side. In some ways, I guess I’m a bit guilty of that as well.
Although I really have to get over the fact that the Cardinals quarterback is named “Carson”. How tough and manly can a guy be with the name “Carson”? I’ll bet if I look over the roster, I’ll also see a Cooper, Taylor, Tyler, Riley, Hayden, Jayden or Bron.
Perhaps it’s appropriate to quote a line from the song “One Headlight” by The Wallflowers:
“Man, I ain’t changed, but I know I ain’t the same.”
Up next: M.
Being as you come from a family of loyal, though not so bright, Cub fans and have somehow changed allegiance to the Chicago, I can hardly say their name, yuk, white stockings, I am not surprised at how easy it is for you to follow the desert athletes and chuck the Windy City sports into oblivion. Well done
Yours truly Benedict Arnold Uncle Jim. Go cubs.
As most of that is essentially true – it’s hard to form a witty and appropriate comeback.
Okay, I scrolled down straight to the hockey section. Whew! You made the right choice 🙂
Thanks but it really was a no-brainer decision. Besides, the twins’ middle names are Blackhawks players… how f’d up with that be if I switched allegiances to the ‘Yotes?