Boho Beautiful yoga

A lesson in yoga

“You’ll have to excuse my friend. He’s a little slow…” – Lloyd Christmas from the movie “Dumb and Dumber” Sometimes it takes 25 years to learn something that should have been obvious from the proverbial git-go. Maybe there’s a cumulative effect of listening and watching others; maybe it’s out of necessity. Or perhaps it was…

How to handle bullying?

In the last few years, there has been an enormous amount of attention put on bullying. Growing up, I remember it (bullying) being mostly physical and threatening: a bigger kid pushing you in the lockers, someone stealing your lunch money, having books tossed out of your hands or some sort of other public humiliation. Back…

Matt watching a baseball game

Felt Art by Matt

As mentioned before, Matt has recently developed an interest in writing and drawing comics. Sometimes he mimics something he may have seen in a YouTube video or read at school, but the other times he writes and draws about the adventures of his own creation: Rec-man and his arch-nemesis Ad-man. Last week, however, he took…