It’s been awhile since I last wrote (typed?) any thoughts here at Subject to Change (Now: At the Speed of Matt). Oh sure, I’ve got reasons and excuses as to why that is but it really comes down to two things: a) there hasn’t been anything major to report in the world of raising an autistic child (although for the record, young Matt is doing great!) and b) I don’t know how many people actually give a frog’s flying ass about my workouts, the paleo diet and recent weight loss.
I’ve even looked at a few drafts that I started in the past on things like the stupidity of a former boss, biblical errors, various podcasts I listen to and why people need to learn how to simply let it go (about taking things in life far too seriously.)
Again, a lot of subjects, a lot of opinions, but very little in the way of being interesting to anyone other than, perhaps, myself.
But I need to remind myself – and I think this is something that everyone should keep in mind – that the only way our collective voices can be heard is by using them. A novel idea I know, but it’s true.
With that being said, there will always be those who don’t want to hear your voice (or read your words). Some people get their proverbial panties in a bunch at the thought of reading yet another opinion on Donald Trump, Kim Davis or police officer involved shootings; i.e. politics and religion. Yet today, those are the topic de jour.
Donald Trump
If someone were to tell me that Donald Trump would make a good president, I think I’d just nod my head, smile and perhaps walk away. Maybe, MAYBE, depending on my mood, I might follow-up with a poignant “Well, why is that?” But that’s just inviting a migraine so odds are it wouldn’t go that far.

The late, great, George Carlin
Inside my mind, however, I would want to respond with a slight head tilt, a resigned look of disappointment on my face and the words of George Carlin spewing out of my mouth to the tune of: “What? Are you fucking stupid?!?”
In many ways I do like what Trump represents: a complete shift from the usual politician. He speaks his mind, doesn’t change his views based on the prevailing winds of public opinion and doesn’t seem to be a pawn of big donors (kinda like Jesse Ventura was as Governor of Minnesota and I liked Jesse.) Trump is also for single payer health care and tax hikes on higher income earners – both stances I can agree with.
Yet (insert sympathetic sigh here), he’s an idiot. His views on immigration (and deportation) are moronic, his treatment of women leaves a lot to be desired and check out this tweet he ended up deleting a couple of years ago on 9/11…
“I would like to extend my best wishes to all, even the haters and losers, on this special date, September 11th,” Trump tweeted on Sept. 11, 2013.
The Huffington Post said they were going to move all Donald Trump news to its Entertainment section. Unfortunately that’s about right. He’s entertaining, but certainly not presidential.
Kim Davis
No one should be defending Kim Davis and her stance against issuing marriage licenses to gay couples. She is not a modern day martyr and using her religion as a defense is beyond hypocritical.
She is thrice divorced and an adulterer. She has no business using God or the bible as a defense for anything, let alone to discriminate against homosexuals.
If she cannot follow the law as an elected government official, she should resign, be impeached and then flogged (that last part is just a joke.)
There simply is no defending this woman for what she’s done, and is doing.
If you point a gun at a police officer, you deserve to be shot. If you attack an officer with any other weapon, including your fists, you deserve to be shot or tazed.
And if you smart off, swear at, yell at or escalate a situation with an officer that didn’t call for it – be thankful when the officer remains polite and respectful.
Whatever happened to simply having respect towards the police? I know that my grandparents instilled it in me as did the parents of all my friends.

Police Officer Aubrey Gregory walks with Asia Ford as she participates in the Rodes City Run 10K in Louisville, Ky. (Photo:
Despite what the media might tell us, the police in this country are overwhelmingly good people who are faced with an incredibly tough job.
Yes sir, no sir, yes ma’am and no ma’am will go a long way in repairing the police/public relationship than “Don’t you have anything better to do than pull me over you pig f@#&er?”
So there it is: my thoughts on a few recent news stories. You don’t have to like them or agree with them or even read them. Just respect that I have them.
And please don’t get upset if they differ from yours.
All well said!